EL VALOR DEL MADE IN SPAIN by Decorativechandelier
Cuando se dice que  algo es  “cool “ o “fashion “ es porque es bonito ,está de moda , bien hecho , y si además está hecho a mano y en España  te lleva a pensar que es un producto  de calidad.
www.decorativechandelier.com   de eso sabe mucho, ya que llevamos más de cuatro décadas dedicados  a fabricar lámparas de cristal de forma totalmente artesanal,  como si fueran piezas de decoración únicas.

Todas ellas bajo el sello “made in Spain”, estamos  afincados en Valencia sabemos transmitir la destreza de los artesanos a lo hora de moldear y diseñar nuestras lámparas .Todas ellas hechas con materiales nobles como bronce , cristal , vidrio y alabastro .Fabricadas  con  técnicas que  apuestan sin reservas por conservar la tradición.

Tradición  ,que lleva pasando de padres a hijos, es  una combinación de  materiales de alta calidad y la maestría con la que  los artesanos convierten nuetras lámparas de cristal en productos únicos , que expresan el alma del “made in Spain”.

Cuando alguien cuelga unas de nuestras lámparas  en su casa es como si tuviera un” joya “, es esa pieza que encaja bien tanto con decoraciones clásicas, neoclásicas  e incluso decoraciones  contemporáneas.
Por todo ello creemos que debemos preservar la integridad de las cosas  bien hechas ,    lámparas de cristal hechas a mano, cliché, que  tanto aquí como en el extranjero se considera un gran valor , la marca “made in Spain”.

Aquí en España , todo tiene mejor calidad.

Youtube Channel

Feliz Año Nuevo a todos ¡¡¡
Empezamos el año 2013 con nuevos propositos y con la intencion de cumplirlos .

Asi que inaguramos nuestro canal YOUTUBE .
En este canal podreis ir viendo los trabajos que vamos realizando.
Por favor , visitar el canal YOUTUBE

Esperamos que lo encontreis interesante.

Bonne année à tous
Nous avons commencé en 2013 avec de nouveaux objectifs et avec l'intention de se conformer.

Donc, nous avons ouvert notre chaîne YouTube.
Vous serez en mesure d'aller  les travaux en cours.
S'il vous plaît visitez le canal

J'espère que vous le trouverez intéressant.

Happy New Year to all
We started in 2013 with new purposes and with the intention of complying.

So we opened our YouTube channel.
You will be able to go on this channel we're watching the work we have made.
Please visit the channel

Hope you find it interesting.

Musee Lustre Cristal

Dernière Mars 2011, a été inauguré le Musee Diocesain Zaragoza
Nous avons eu l'occasion de faire un monumental lustre de cristal
pour ce musée.
Cette cession a été effectuée par l'équipe en charge de la
musee diocesain Zaragoza construction, dirigée par
Javier Borobio, et l'équipe de la compagnie Acciona.

lustre a un diamètre de 300 cm et une hauteur de 400 cm.
Ce lustre est éclairé par 90 bulbes et est composé de
bronze coule
Le lustre, selon la pureté de style porte
plus de 20.000 morceaux de verre de Murano.
La finale de la lampe est en effet posée de feuille d'or
suivre la couleur avec le reste des finitions qui accompagnent
lieu au lustre.
Le lustre est suspendu dans un caveau du XVIIIe siècle, qui
a été un défi technique.
Enfin, tous les détails techniques pour la levée de
Lustre ont été résolus par notre personnel et de soutien
indispensable principale force Estela Bellon et son équipe.
Sans eux, il aurait été impossible de réussir à relever ce défi difficile.
Cette lampe a été fabriqué et installé en un temps record de 3 semaines.
De même, nous sommes reconnaissants de la confiance dans notre
entreprise à Zaragoza de Arzobispado.
Nous espérons avoir l'occasion de continuer à surmonter
défis de l'avenir de cette ampleur.


Last March 2011, was inaugurated the Diocesan Museum Zaragoza
We had the opportunity to make a
monumental Crystal Chandelier
for this museum.
This assignment was done by the team in charge of the
diocesan museum Zaragoza building , led by
Javier Borobio, and the team of the company Acciona.

chandelier has a diameter of 300 cm and a height of 400 cm.
This chandelier is lit by 90 bulbs and is made of
Cast Bronze
The chandelier, according to the purity of style is wearing
more than 20,000 pieces of Murano glass.
The finish of the lamp is indeed arisen Gold Leaf
follow the color with the rest of finishes that accompany
place at the chandelier.
The chandelier is suspended in a vault of XVIII century, which
was a technical challenge.
Finally, all the technical details for the lifting of
chandelier were resolved by our staff and support
indispensable force chief Estela Bellon and her team .

Without them it would have been impossible to succeed in this difficult challenge.
This lamp was manufactured and installed in record time of 3 weeks.
Likewise we are grateful for the confidence in our
company to the
Arzobispado de Zaragoza.
We hope to have the opportunity to continue to overcome
future challenges of this magnitude.


El pasado mes de marzo de 2011, fue inagurado el Museo Diocesano de Zaragoza.

Tuvimos la oportunidad de fabricar una lampara de cristal monumental para este museo.

Este encargo fue realizado por el equipo al cargo de la construccion del museo diocesano de Zaragoza, capitaneado por Javier Borobio, y por el equipo humano de la compania Acciona.

La lampara tiene un diametro de 300 cm y una altura de 400 cm.

Esta lampara se ilumina por 90 bombillas y esta realizada en Bronce fundido

La lampara, siguiendo con la pureza del estilo esta vestida con mas 20.000 piezas de cristal de murano.

El acabado de la lampara esta relizado en efecto Pan de Oro para que el color siga con el resto de acabados que acompañan a la zona donde esta ubicada la lampara.

La lampara esta suspendida en una bóveda del siglo XVIII, lo que supuso un reto tecnico .

Finalmente todos los detalles tecnicos para el izado de la lampara fueron resueltos por nuestro equipo humano y la ayuda indispensable de la jefa de obra Estela Bellon y todo su equipo de colaboradores.

Sin ellos habria sido imposible realizar con éxito esta difícil empresa.

Esta lampara fue fabricada e instalada en un tiempo record de 3 semanas.

Asi mismo queremos agradecer la confianza depositada en nuestra empresa al Arzobispado de Zaragoza.

Esperamos seguir teniendo la oportunidad de seguir superando futuros retos de esta envergadura.

CHANDELIERS and the use of CRYSTAL www.decorativechandelier.com

Glass as a natural material was found since time was begun as a result of volcanic eruptions in the form of melted rocks. These rocks were used by Stone Age's man as cutting tools. However, it is believed that the first man-made glass objects around the 3500 BC were found in Egypt and Eastern Mesopotamia in the form of pots and vases and from there it might be transported by Phoenician merchants along the coasts of the Mediterranean. Hollow glass production was also evolving around the 16th century BC in Egypt besides some activities in Greece, China and North Tyrol.
After 1500 BC, Egyptian craftsmen are known to have begun developing a method of producing glass pots and the earliest examples of Egyptian glassware are three vases bearing the name of the pharaoh Thoutmosis 3 who brought glassmakers to Egypt as war prisoners from Asia. Over the following years glass production thought to be spread from Alexandria to Italy.
The discovery of glassblowing was attributed to Syrian craftsmen from the Sidon-Babylon area but the ancient Roman began later blowing the glass inside moulds greatly increasing the variety of shapes .It was the Romans who began to use glass for architectural purposes, with the discovery of clear glass (through the introduction of manganese oxide). Alexandria remained the most important glassmaking area in the East, producing luxury glass items mainly for export.
Towards the year 1000, a significant change in European glassmaking techniques took place. Given the difficulties in importing raw materials, soda glass was gradually replaced by glass made using the potash obtained from the burning of trees. At this point, glass made north of the Alps began to differ from glass made in the Mediterranean area, with Italy, for example, sticking to soda ash as its dominant raw material.
In the middle Ages, the Italian city of Venice assumed its role as the glassmaking centre of the western world. The Venetian merchant fleet ruled the Mediterranean waves and helped supply Venice's glass craftsmen with the technical know-how of their counterparts in Syria, and with the artistic influence of Islam. Until the end of the 13th century, most glassmaking in Venice took place in the city itself. However, the frequent fires caused by the furnaces led the city authorities, in 1291, to order the transfer of glassmaking to the island of Murano.
In the 14th century, another important Italian glassmaking industry developed at Altare, near Genoa and during the 16th century, craftsmen from Altare helped extend the new styles and techniques of Italian glass to other parts of Europe, particularly France.
In the second half of the 15th century, the craftsmen of Murano started using quartz sand and potash made from sea plants to produce particularly pure crystal. By the end of the 16th century, 3,000 of the island's 7,000 inhabitants were involved in some way in the glassmaking industry.
The development of lead crystal has been attributed to some English glassmaker, who patented his new glass in 1674. He had been commissioned to find a substitute for the Venetian crystal produced in Murano and based on pure quartz sand and potash. By using higher proportions of lead oxide instead of potash, he succeeded in producing a brilliant glass with a high refractive index which was very well suited for deep cutting and engraving.
It was not until the latter stages of the Industrial Revolution, however, that mechanical technology for mass production and in-depth scientific research into the relationship between the composition of glass and its physical qualities began to appear in the industry.
A key figure and one of the forefathers of modern glass research was some German scientists, who used scientific methods to study the effects of numerous chemical elements on the optical and thermal properties of glass, also invented a tank furnaces. This rapidly replaced the old pot furnaces and allowed the continuous production of far greater quantities of molten glass.
Towards the end of the 19th century, some American engineer invented an automatic bottle blowing machine which only arrived in Europe after the turn of the century.
Although this brief history comes to a close nearly 40 years ago, technological evolution naturally continues. Not yet ready to be "relegated" to a history of glass are areas such as computerized control systems, coating techniques, solar control technology and "smart matter", the integration of micro-electronic and mechanical know-how to create glass which is able to "react" to external forces.

What kind of crystals www.decorativechandelier.com uses ?
Normal full lead crystal has a 24 % lead oxide content, but www.decorativechandelier.com is using a material of more than 30 % lead crystal which after cutting and polishing processes provides exceptional clarity and high refraction prismatic colors.

Our crystal is hard brilliant lifetime creation which can stand most harsh environmental exposures. Crystal should occasionally polished with a soft cloth and if soiled, it can be washed in lukewarm water containing weak washing up liquid then dried and polished with soft cloth. Meanwhile avoid dropping or violent knocking to the crystal objects. It is recommended to wear a cotton glove to avoid fingerprints on surface of your object .

You should also avoid heavy contact with spray detergent, hairspray, perfumes,.. etc. in order to protect the setting of the crystal . When cleaning your chandeliers, you may use a dry or damp cloth and do not use any cleaning solutions that contain alcohol or ammonia which might destroy the protective finish of the chandelier and causes them to tarnish.

Crystal fixtures cannot be shipped assembled because this could lead to significant damage to the body and crystals during shipping .Therefore, simple instructions and installation booklet is included to your packing as most of the chandeliers may require simple body assembly along with the hanging ready crystal inside its separate boxes. It is quite clear that the factory is out of responsibility for any damage or dangers due to an improper installation of our lighting fixtures by individuals; therefore, we strongly recommend installation by professional electricians only.

The Crystal Chandeliers Are In Fashion

As everything, fashion come back, the inspirations look back to the past, DECORATIVE CHANDELIER has being making lamps since 1968, we have a great expierence manufacturating crystal chandeliers. When our chandeliers factory DECORATIVE CHANDELIER started making crystal chandeliers the best pieces sold were the crystal's one, yes, the crystal chandelier carved handmade with lampshade, with crystal ornament. On those times, crystal chandeliers were the ones who looked good to give space some atmosphere, there were all kind of crystal ones, the ones that our grandmothers had at home, put up like basket, the ones with some hands that we have in ours parents houses , lampshade crystal chandeliers,........etc.
The 90´s arrived, and the alabaster chandeliers were on fashion, chandeliers made with a material that we extract from the earth, it is a rock from the marble group but softly. His appearance with vein that looks like clouds extracted from the mine and the only thing that the man can change is the form. This kind of chandeliers have the appeal to be made by the nature. This kind of chandeliers were on fashion all over the world , they were innovative, different, they tighten very good to every different atmosphere.

There was a boom during a decade, but everything changes, the crystal fashion came back.
That is the reason, that now, DECORATIVE CHANDELIER has made a web where we like to show you all kinds of crystal chandeliers models that we have being producing during these 30 years. In our web www. decorativechandelier.com you can see every different sort of chandeliers from the traditional ones , the standard of our life, to the renovate ones, because we thought that fashion come and go and people taste is changing according to the fashion.

This is why we want to emphasize that in www. decorativechandelier.com you can find a crossbreeding the new fashion with all historic spirit. With that mix we emphasised new forms very fresh, that a chandelier made by DECORATIVE CHANDELIER can be setting in classics atmospheres or even in a minimal decoration, or in vengue furnitures,.....etc.
That is why in www.decorativechandelier.com we suggest you a large of models able to fit every atmosphere decoration.
`Quality products combine with fashion in every moment´ is
www. decorativechandelier.com motto